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The Asian Regional Consortium for Headache (ARCH) is a professional society of healthcare providers contributing to the study and treatment of headaches in Asia and Oceania.


The ARCH was started as a subcommittee under the International Headache Society. Since its foundation, the ARCH has dedicated its efforts to educating health professionals and promoting communication in Asia and Oceania region.


Once our name was the Asian Regional Committee of Headaches, which was attractive and has been well represented us. Nevertheless, we have changed the name of our society to make society into a better-organized group since 2017.


There are now 15 members of national societies in Asia and Oceania including Australia, China, India, Japan, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Nepal, New Zealand, Pakistan, Philippines, Republic of Korea, Singapore, Taiwan, and Thailand. We are expecting that more new member societies will join us in near future.


The Asian Regional Consortium of Headache (ARCH) is the key professional organization for healthcare providers and researchers interested in headache medicine in Asia and Oceania. ARCH's inception has had a significant impact on the exchange of thoughts about headache disorders in Asia, where nearly two-thirds of the world's population lives.

Dr. K. Ravishankar

(4th president of ARCH)

"1400 delegates and excellet collection of talks and live interactions"

Tissa Wijeratne

(5th president of ARCH)

"Asia-Oceania is home to nearly five billion people. Fifty-three nations and over a billion people with migraine and headache disorders."

Peter J Goadsby

"53 nations and nearly five billion people get to know about this neglected issue"
Our Mission?


Raising the issue of headaches in Asia and Oceania. The topic of migraine is scarcely focused currently and constitutes just 1-2 hour lectures in their educational tenure. This initiative helps students and practitioners to better grasp the subject and help in resolving this important medical illness.



Foster headache specialists and exchange their expertise. Creating a strong network of doctors will help to bridge the gap between a new upcoming problem and the solution



Enhancing the partnership with IHS (International headache society). Any new symptom or effect can be shared with these authorities to have a broader connection and teamwork.

Our Vision?

"make migraine a thing of the past"


ARCH recognizes that it can use technology to help move towards a vision of making migraine a thing of the past. The smart and planned use of technology is fundamental to delivering our programs, education, and services which are necessary to achieve our vision. We have set the goal of being the ‘benchmark’ for every medical group in the world in terms of the application of technology. This measure is important because it is a surrogate for measuring our effectiveness. 


We are in the process of developing initiatives, programs, services, and education equal to or in some cases ahead of the rest of the world. We believe that enabling ARCH members to have access to world-leading education, information, and tools in real-time and also collaborate, share and contribute with each through a digital community will be a significant step towards our vision of making migraine a thing of the past.

Professor Tissa Wijeratne

Chairman of ARCH, Professor of Neurology 

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